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CMD researchers are experts in structural biology, chemical biology, pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, drug target discovery, translational medicine and clinical development.

Cassandra Adams

Translational Scientist & Senior Programme Manager

Rod Chalk

Postdoctoral Scientist (Mass Spectrometry)

Katherine England

Postdoctoral Researcher

Oleg Fedorov

PI, Group Head

Karen Froud

Programme Leader

Vittorio Katis

TREAT-AD Team Leader

Lizbe Koekemoer

Protein Crystallography SRF Coordinator

Emma Murphy

Head of Biology - Alzheimer's Research UK Oxford Drug Discovery Institute

Joseph Newman

Group leader – Structural biology of DNA repair

Darragh O'Brien

Head of Structural & Mechanistic Proteomics

Margarida Ruas

Team Leader - Organelle Biology

Tamas Szommer

Research Informatics SRF Coordinator

Eleanor Williams

Biotechnology Small Research Facility Coordinator